Scripts tagged #First Fifteen
Genre: Drama,Action/Adventure
In an era of lawless bootleggers and gamblers, prostitutes and murderers, an unhinged police officer seeks revenge after being blackmailed by a major mobster.
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4 years ago | reviews | 15 pages
Genre: Drama,Action/Adventure
In an era of lawless bootleggers and gamblers, prostitutes and murderers, an unhinged police officer seeks revenge after being blackmailed by a major mobster.
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4 years ago | reviews | 15 pages
Genre: Drama,Action/Adventure
In an era of lawless bootleggers and gamblers, prostitutes and murderers, an unhinged police officer seeks revenge after being blackmailed by a major mobster.
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4 years ago | reviews | 15 pages
Genre: Drama,Action/Adventure
In an era of lawless bootleggers and gamblers, prostitutes and murderers, an unhinged police officer seeks revenge after being blackmailed by a major mobster.
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4 years ago | 1 reviews | 15 pages
Genre: Action/Adventure,Horror,Thriller
Slaying demons and kicking ass are his specialty.
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3 years ago | 12 reviews | 15 pages

Uprising feature

Genre: Horror
A double dating couple enters a world succumbing to the dark eldritch god, Kassogtha. As the cosmic horror arrives, Noah, Norah, Skye, and Mikel must battle for their lives as the world approaches its end.
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3 years ago | reviews | 36 pages

Uprising feature

Genre: Horror
A double dating couple enters a world succumbing to the dark eldritch god, Kassogtha. As the cosmic horror arrives, Noah, Norah, Skye, and Mikel must battle for their lives as the world approaches its end.
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3 years ago | reviews | 22 pages

Dipped and Died feature

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Six friends escape a dark fantasy world after being missing for a decade, leaving another behind. Three years later, they need to return to stop their friend from coming home.
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2 years ago | reviews | 80 pages

Dipped and Died feature

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Six friends escaped a dark world after being missing for a decade, leaving one behind. Three years later, they must return to stop their friend from coming home.
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2 years ago | reviews | 94 pages

Dipped and Died feature

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Six friends escaped a dark world after a decade, leaving one behind. Three years later, they must return to stop her from coming home.
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2 years ago | 1 reviews | 97 pages



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